Brock Aggregates offers a wide range of durable, quality aggregate products including sand, stone, gravel, ¾ crush, crusher run limestone, and limestone screenings. Our products are suitable for a variety of applications including concrete production, road-base, parking lots, interior slabs, exterior slabs, foundation drainage systems, decorative purposes and more. Our aggregates are sourced from our own traditional quarries located in Ontario. Every product Brock Aggregates sells and delivers is thoroughly tested to ensure only the highest quality aggregates are supplied and meet OPSS (Ontario Provincial Standard Specification) specifications.
3/4 crusher run limestone
This material is used as a road base or top coat before asphalt, sub-base for concrete sidewalks, concrete driveways, and patios. Back fill for retaining wall. Packs very hard.
2" crusher run limestone
Same as ¾ crusher run. Used where an extra strong base is required.
3/4 clear limestone
Used for under slab of residential, commercial and industrial floors. Drainage for window wells, under sheds and around weeping tiles. A self compacting material, settles very little. All fines have been removed, a very clean material.
2" clear limestone
Used for a base where drainage is important. The product is 2" pieces with the fines removed.
HL6 limestone
This is a mixture of ⅜" to ¾" clear limestone. A well-gradated product used in sewer/watermain backfill or under slab for residential, commercial industrial floors. All fines removed. A very clean material.
Crushed 1/4” limestone with fines used under patio stones and bricks. This product can be used as a driveway topping, but it has a tendency to track. Packs very hard.
1/4 chip limestone
Also known as HPB. A washed material used to backfill petroleum tanks and sewer/watermain applications. A self-compacting material. All fines removed.
3/8" pea gravel
3/8″ pea gravel is used for patios, driveway gravel, dog runs, gardens & playgrounds. 3/8″ pea gravel may be used in sub-surface gas tank installations. It is also used in flat roof applications. A washed product.
Granular A gravel
Granular gravel is a manufactured mixture of sand and crushed rock 1” in diameter and smaller – used for the surface of roadways, parking areas and driveways. Can also be used in under slab of residential, commercial and industrial floors. Silt content is under 8% to allow for drainage.
Granular B gravel
Also known as pit run or bank B. Granular B gravel is a blend of sand and stone. The stone size varies from pit to pit. It is used as a base material for building roadways, parking areas and driveways. Backfill around concrete walls for industrial, commercial buildings.
HL6 gravel
This is a mixture of ⅜" to ¾" gravel. A well gradated product used in sewer/watermain backfill or under slab for residential, commercial industrial floors. All fines removed. A very clean material.
Sand fill
Used as an economical backfill for around houses & other buildings. Used as base or backfill for sewer/watermain applications. Compacts very well but not suitable where drainage is needed.
Concrete sand
Typically Concrete Sand is used for the bedding layer under interlocking stone because it is a coarse washed that is free of silt. Used for making concrete and to amend soil (to help loosen up the clay).
Brick sand
Screened sand, mixed with mortar for laying bricks. Used where a stone free fill is required, eg. under pool liners.
Cable sand
Coarser than brick sand and screened to remove stones. Used to cover electrical cable or water lines.
Winter sand
A screened or washed sand and is used for winter ice control mixed with road salt.
Concrete stone
A well-graded material (HL6). Washed and crushed, for use in all concrete mixes.
Gabion stone
Used to fill in very wet areas. Can also be used as a landscape stone for different affects. Gabion is used in gabion baskets for retaining walls and shoreline protection.
River stone
Round stone used mostly for landscape affect and shoreline protection. Sorted in three common sizes: 1"- 2 ½"; 2"-4"; 4"-8", but may vary from pit to pit.
Specialty decorative stone
Used for various applications.
Rip rap
Large rocks used along shorelines of rivers and lakes to help with erosion control. Also used for landscaping purposes.